Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Since a month I go to Hebrew school in Natzrat Ilit (or however you would write that name in Latin letters), which is basically a suburb of Nazareth, but with it's own municipality.
When I go home I take bus א28 in the center of Nazareth to go to Hanaton. In order to get to the bus I have to walk about 2 kilometers from the school.
Last week I noticed a big yellow digging monster digging earth away down below from the sidewalk where I always walk. It was obvious that it was up to no good, but nobody thought of stopping it.
It kept digging every day of the week. So just look at the drawing five times and imagine the machine sinking.

This week I walk by there on my usual way home, whistling a happy tune, when suddenly....

 ...THE SIDEWALK IS GONE!!!! (I decided to draw a little more realistic this time)

The sidewalk has collapsed down into the depths of the pit that has been dug for over a week by that yellow bastard!!

Quickly catch it!! Stop it before it does more harm!!!

The sidewalk is still a mess a week later, so I'll be whistling my favorite Pink Floyd songs from the opposite sidewalk for the months to come.


  1. Ga je hier elke keer wat opzetten? Dan ga ik elke keer kijken!! Echt super leuk..!!

  2. ask an israeli to explain "khelem" to you, some jews are from that polish village, famous for its stupidity. have a facebook account ? "friend" me to see a picture I took while in Poland (last year), of a bus to Khelem (!)

    this is me, dani ,btw (sf, bay area guy)
